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Today's Rudolf Koivu would be a Game Designer

Rudolf Koivu (1890 - 1946) is one of the illustrators which has affected me most. Even if Finland's most known illustrator died already in 1946 there is no one which has escaped Koivu's sensuous lines, magical creatures from childrens' stories and Christmas cards. I claim, Koivu is for Finns the same than Carl Larsson for Swedes or Mucha for Czechs. Or perhaps even more than that.

Last summer I visited an exhibition full of Koivus drawings to different Childrens' stories. It blew my mind out. Pictures to the stories by Grimm, Topelius, Andersen were all presented. Thinking of the fact that the world was not full of images Koivu's characters, trolls, sceneries and mystical creatures were amazingly original ones. Unlike today's illustrator who has grown in a world full of images, Koivu had to bring these creatures from his mind. That is a thing which often has been neglegted.

My first memories of Koivu, though I did not know that by then, were the sensuous covers of the Kotiliesi magazine we had in our attick in our childhood home. Then came the different stories and cards. I have often said that if Koivu lived today, he would be world famous computer game artist working for major AAA game studios. In fact, many of his illustrations resemble gaming scenery a lot.

Reason for this blog is that I noticed the Arts Museum of Lahti is having an exhibition of the Koivu's illustration covering the childhood. If you are around, pay a visit there. (

Rudolf Koivu organisation is also having a great virtual gallery for some of his works. It can be found here:

Koivu in Finnish wikipedia.

Illustration for the Little Mermaid by H.C. Andersen.

Kotiliesi from 1933.

Troll in Töölö, Helsinki. Photo from Retretti exhibition, summer 2012.
Oriental theme from gallery.


  1. Hei! Tuo neliskanttinen sinivihreä ratsastaja ei ole Rudolf Koivun kädenjälkeä, vaan John Bauerin


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