I have a habit when cruising on a Baltic Sea. Always when Viking Line I purchase a new set of Björn Borg panties. Recently I purchased boxer shorts which were immediately damaged after the first wash. Yes, I can do my laundry. Don't worry about that.
I just returned from the sauna and selected those panties - but instead of jumping in I thought that I should actually make a complaint for their customer services. It actually pisses me off to find a relatively highly priced item with defects. And we could actually make complaints even more: when receiving bad service or defect products.
So I put Björn Borg's customer service to the test. What happens, how do they respond and how fast.
Great service and fast customer care services. In less than 24 hours from the first contact (made at the night time, effective office hours time 5.5 hours). Not bad at all considering the size of the company. Customer services at its best.
Exactly one week later I found new pants from my post box. Thanks, BB!
I just returned from the sauna and selected those panties - but instead of jumping in I thought that I should actually make a complaint for their customer services. It actually pisses me off to find a relatively highly priced item with defects. And we could actually make complaints even more: when receiving bad service or defect products.
So I put Björn Borg's customer service to the test. What happens, how do they respond and how fast.
1st contact. email 22.1.2013, 22:41
Kära kundtjänst,
Jeg er en stor fan av Björn Borgs produkter. Hver gang jeg tar båten (Viking Line) mellom Finland og Sverige, har jeg en "dårlig" vane for å kjøpe et par av BB's boxershorts. Dere har kjempekule ferger og designet passer meget bra for meg.
Men for en liten stund siden kjøpte jeg en boxer shorts, som dessverre ikke møtte de høye standarder, som jeg har lært å forvente av deres produkter. Gummibåndet håller ikke formen og da ser de ikke så veldig snyggt ut (+at de er ganske ubekveme). Dette hendte straks etter jeg tok dem i bruk - og ja, jeg kan vaske mine klær på riktig måte.
Hvis dere ønsker å få boxerne til nærmere inspeksjon sender jeg gnerne dem til dere. Men jeg tok et kort av den, så dere ser hvad jeg snakker om. Skulle det være mulig for å få et par som ikke er defekt i retur?
Med vennlig hilsen, JR
2nd action: automatic reply from BB immediately:"Thank you for contacting Björn Borg! Your request is being processed. We will be in touch shortly. Have a nice day! Kind regards, Customer Service Web"
![]() |
Photo of the actual boxer shorts (in front) |
To be continued ...
Next day 23.1.2013 at 13:01
I receive a copy of a mail from ms. Y**** forwarding my post to her colleaque in Finland:
Lähettäjä: Y**** [mailto:y****@bjornborg.com] Puolesta Info
Lähetetty: 23. tammikuuta 2013 13:01
Vastaanottaja: K****
Aihe: VB: defekt produkt
Lähetetty: 23. tammikuuta 2013 13:01
Vastaanottaja: K****
Aihe: VB: defekt produkt
Could you please help this customer?
Thank you! J
Kind regards,
Björn Borg HQ Reception
Björn Borg AB
Tulegatan 11
SE-113 53 Stockholm
Phone: +46 8 506 33 700
E-mail: y***
Sent with love from BJÖRN BORG
, a brand with passion for colourful underwear. Do you like us?
I sent them thank you message at 17:05 accepting their offer to send me pants with different kind of colour. I also gave them glory for noticing I was Finn and changing the language.
Finnish message:
Pahoittelemme, että alushousujesi vyötärönauha ei ole kestänyt.
Ethän ole käyttänyt kuivuria? Vyötärönauhat saattavat mennä juuri tuon näköisiksi siellä.
Lähetän mielelläni sinulle uudet, mutta juuri noita minulla ei ole. Käykö joku toinen kuosi?
Ystävällisin terveisin,
Ms. K
Fashion Case Oy
Vilhonvuorenkatu 11 C 6
00500 Helsinki
puh. +358
fax. +358
gsm +358
Web: www.bjornborg.com
-------------------Could you please help this customer?
Thank you! J
Kind regards,
Björn Borg HQ Reception
Björn Borg AB
Tulegatan 11
SE-113 53 Stockholm
Phone: +46 8 506 33 700
E-mail: y***
Sent with love from BJÖRN BORG
, a brand with passion for colourful underwear. Do you like us?
Finnish representative answers on a same day 23.1.2013 at 14:39:
1.5 hours later I receive a contact from Finnish office offering me a new pair of boxers asking politely whether I have used dryer. We do not have a dryer, we dry our clothes ecologically au naturell :o)I sent them thank you message at 17:05 accepting their offer to send me pants with different kind of colour. I also gave them glory for noticing I was Finn and changing the language.
Finnish message:
Pahoittelemme, että alushousujesi vyötärönauha ei ole kestänyt.
Ethän ole käyttänyt kuivuria? Vyötärönauhat saattavat mennä juuri tuon näköisiksi siellä.
Lähetän mielelläni sinulle uudet, mutta juuri noita minulla ei ole. Käykö joku toinen kuosi?
Ystävällisin terveisin,
Ms. K
Fashion Case Oy
Vilhonvuorenkatu 11 C 6
00500 Helsinki
puh. +358
fax. +358
gsm +358
Web: www.bjornborg.com
Great service and fast customer care services. In less than 24 hours from the first contact (made at the night time, effective office hours time 5.5 hours). Not bad at all considering the size of the company. Customer services at its best.
Exactly one week later I found new pants from my post box. Thanks, BB!
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