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Today I Saw the Future of Live Social Video: Younow

Younow by jroxa
Younow, a photo by jroxa on Flickr. Krayway user promoting her Facebook and Twitter profiles.
Fortunately, I have a daughter who is active in a digtal world. I regularly find new social media services before they become mainstream. And, at the same time, I get an excellent pitch of the service my daughter has found.

Today I found the Future of the Live Streamed Social Video
Recently, I noticed my daughter had streamed live video over the internet. She loves to sing and perform and is an active user of Soundcloud, Twitter and Youtube. Facebook is not the thing for her generation anymore. It was corrupted when we entered to it.

While we grown up still are fancying about link sharing, status updates and other "exciting" stuff in Facebook, our kids are nomading over to other services. Younow is an good example of such a new services - and you realise the fact it is not an adult's thing by browsing the live channels. Over 20 year olds are almost non existing. Youknow is a service for the next generations.

How Younow Works?

You know brings social aspect and game logic to the live videos. Gamification has entered in to the live streams.

After an user has created an account s/he can start to earn levels and coins s/he can use within the service. Connecting your profile to your other social media services, active broadcasting, liking others' strams etc. earns you points and coins. And these you can then spend in the service.

The most fantastic thing, however, is the inside-the-game rating system. This keeps people's streams alive only as long as people are giving thumbs for your stream. That means that the live streams are the community's choice. Do you understand the geniousity of this? Can you imagine what this could mean for live views?

Recently, my daughter reports, many of Youtube's big names have entered to Younow. Servers have had hard time then, but in this way these known Channel Guys have been able to test their ideas in the front of live audiences, get instant feedback and foremostly, reach new audiences for their channels on Youtube. Also my daughter, @melnamorning, has got some new followeres for her Soundcloud and Youtube channels after couple of livecasts.


If you consider the interface of the Younow is messy or you do not understand you are too old for that. For someone with a gaming background it is pretty logical. Kind of multitasking performance

Younow was established in 2011 and it has been taking off more during this year (more Wikipedia). Oh, and security. There are always those who shoult of abuse and naked skin. It seems this is handled pretty good in the service: there is live 24/7 moderators in the community out there - cleaning the shit out from the system. So, your kids are safe.


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