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Mr. Wolfdog and The Old Spice

Hahaha. Today I landed as one of the first persons to Old Spice's new digital campaign and I bet this will definetly get some awareness in social media. Mr. Wolfdog, Old Spice's new marketing director, presents the hard facts of the life in the advertising branch and yes, sometimes you have to eat people in that sector too.

Old Spice, formerly known from the iconic appearance by Fabio, has now recruited an wild animal deep from the forests. Mr. Wolfdog. The best expert to work as marketing director for company's new Old Spice Wild collection. The first video appearance of the new marketing director is hilarious. And the remarks how the advertising and marketing branch works hit the bull's eye as well.

But there is more. It gets even better. At the end of the video there is a link to the - click it. Wow! The first major brand doing hommage for the web page design of the 90's and suprisingly it does work.

I salute! Old Spice got it. This will spread virally like a hurricane because it has all the main incredients of the like-economy in it.


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