Indeed, they do after a longer run but in this blogtext I criticize the quality of socks. It sucks. Today, it is hard to find any decent and lasting socks in any shop - no matter whether you purchase them from the Highstreet store or from H&M, their quality is crap.
Yiwu is a small 1.2 million people city in China. This small Chinese city is known as The Capital of Socks. Factories in the city produce over three billion pairs of socks annually - and I claim because of the quality of the socks is so poor that we have to throw them to the waste after wearin them couple of times. What a waste in these times of sustainability.
Today's socks are not made of thread anymore. Or they are, but a thin thread is sowed in a way that they keep the thin layer of cotton wool between them. Just long enough to keep them in shape for a short time. After couple of washes you realise they have worn out and have holes everywhere. Women's pantyhose / sockings syndrome is more than a fact also for a modern man.
This irritates me. Recently I have started to pay close attention to what kind of socks I buy. "Made in China" label is a red cloth to me - I avoid them. Instead I choose Finnish or British socks which I know will last forever compared to the Chinese low quality socks. Consumer can make choises. Even if the price is thrice as much as the Chinese pair has, it is more economical to invest quality instead of selecting the most cheapest one.
I just had to get this out - since I just made an exemption and purchased Chisese socks and now, all five pairs of them, are gone. Instead of five pairs I have 2,5 pairs left.
Briefly in Finnish
Tänään vetäessäni taas yhdet reikäsukat jalkaan minua harmitti (diplomaattisesti ilmaistuna). Miksi ihmeessä taas olen jostain ostanut näitä kiinalaisia halpasukkia, joissa ohut puuvillalanka pitää kasassa puuvillavanua. Kertoohan jo järkikin, ettei tällainen sukka kestä.
Halvempaa on ostaa laadukkaita, langasta kudottuja, suomalaisia tai brittiläisiä laatusukkia vaikka niiden hinta onkin kolminkertainen kiinalaisiin halpasukkiin verrattuna. Ja niitä yleensä ostan itsekin. Naisten sukkahoususyndrooma koskettaa läheltä nykymiehiäkin. Ette ole yksin!
J'accuse yiwulaisia! Ja meitä kuluttajia, jotka teemme kestämättömiä ostopäätöksiämme. Lankasukat kunniaan!
Yiwu is a small 1.2 million people city in China. This small Chinese city is known as The Capital of Socks. Factories in the city produce over three billion pairs of socks annually - and I claim because of the quality of the socks is so poor that we have to throw them to the waste after wearin them couple of times. What a waste in these times of sustainability.
Today's socks are not made of thread anymore. Or they are, but a thin thread is sowed in a way that they keep the thin layer of cotton wool between them. Just long enough to keep them in shape for a short time. After couple of washes you realise they have worn out and have holes everywhere. Women's pantyhose / sockings syndrome is more than a fact also for a modern man.
Buy a quality instead of socks that suck. |
This irritates me. Recently I have started to pay close attention to what kind of socks I buy. "Made in China" label is a red cloth to me - I avoid them. Instead I choose Finnish or British socks which I know will last forever compared to the Chinese low quality socks. Consumer can make choises. Even if the price is thrice as much as the Chinese pair has, it is more economical to invest quality instead of selecting the most cheapest one.
I just had to get this out - since I just made an exemption and purchased Chisese socks and now, all five pairs of them, are gone. Instead of five pairs I have 2,5 pairs left.
Briefly in Finnish
Tänään vetäessäni taas yhdet reikäsukat jalkaan minua harmitti (diplomaattisesti ilmaistuna). Miksi ihmeessä taas olen jostain ostanut näitä kiinalaisia halpasukkia, joissa ohut puuvillalanka pitää kasassa puuvillavanua. Kertoohan jo järkikin, ettei tällainen sukka kestä.
Halvempaa on ostaa laadukkaita, langasta kudottuja, suomalaisia tai brittiläisiä laatusukkia vaikka niiden hinta onkin kolminkertainen kiinalaisiin halpasukkiin verrattuna. Ja niitä yleensä ostan itsekin. Naisten sukkahoususyndrooma koskettaa läheltä nykymiehiäkin. Ette ole yksin!
J'accuse yiwulaisia! Ja meitä kuluttajia, jotka teemme kestämättömiä ostopäätöksiämme. Lankasukat kunniaan!
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